The best price of Brunhilde MTL RTA
Brunhilde MTL RTA is designed by Vapefly and German 103. It's different from other tanks, one of the reasons is it is a charity project.
And, what is special about it?
To start with, it can be refilled through the side port measured an outer diameter of 3.2mm, which is big to fill the juice easily and quickly.
Next, there are six levels of airflow control you can choose inside the Brunhilde RTA, and their diameters are Φ0.9mm;Φ1.2mm;Φ1.4mm;Φ1.8mm;Φ2.1mm;Φ2.5mm. What's more, on the outside of the RTA, there is also a bottom airflow, these two airflow works together to bring you fabulous flavor!
Last but not least, The included Stainless steel wires are made from premium material from Germany, which automatically transfers e-juice. Sounds great, right?
Price: $25.78 Vapefly Brunhilde MTL RTA ( with Code: VBMR at Sourcemore )
Compared with $49.90 at Heavengifts
$49.90 at 3fvape
And, what is special about it?
To start with, it can be refilled through the side port measured an outer diameter of 3.2mm, which is big to fill the juice easily and quickly.
Price: $25.78 Vapefly Brunhilde MTL RTA ( with Code: VBMR at Sourcemore )
Compared with $49.90 at Heavengifts
$49.90 at 3fvape
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